Speech at Bath time

Bath time activities

It’s so easy to add speech and language goals into our everyday activities. Let’s talk bath time! I love working on skills in the bath because my toddlers are CONTAINED! They can’t run away and their attention is more focused on the things around them.

Here’s some fun ways to work on speech in the tub:

Bubbles! Who doesn’t love bubbles? Let’s describe them: how many, size, shape, etc. Work on words or phrases like ‘pop’ or ‘pop the bubble’. Make a silly beard or hair and talk about parts of the face. Even work on some lip rounding by blowing a handful of bubbles.

Ocean vocabulary. Let’s grab a fish, whale, octopus, shark, starfish and have some fun! Practice the names of the animals, throw in some verbs (swimming, jumping, diving) and you’ve got a great way to work on phrases too!

Pouring. No extra toys needed for this one! Grab some spoons, cups, bowls etc. from your kitchen and talk about pouring and stirring. Are you pouring fast or slow? What can you pour water on? Want to give your fish a drink? Use your imagination.

Splish splash! Go take a bath!


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